Saturday, October 23, 2004


/loosur/ - / Los´er/ - los·er ( P )

One that fails to win: the losers of the game.
One who takes loss in a specified way: a graceful loser; a poor loser.
One that fails consistently, especially a person with bad luck or poor skills:
â losers at home seeking wealth and glory in undeveloped countries
One that is bad in quality: That book is a real loser.

An unexpectedly bad situation, program, programmer,or person. Someone who habitually loses. (Even winners can lose occasionally). Someone who knows not and knows not thathe knows not. Emphatic forms are "real loser", "total loser",and "complete loser"

Quick definitions (loser)

noun: a gambler who loses a bet
noun: a contestant who loses the contest
noun: a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently